Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Life is not Meant to be Appreciated Only In Retrospect

I, like quite a few other people I know enjoy being happy. As a young person, it always seems like life will go on forever, the world is my canvas and I can accomplish anything and everything that I want to do.

I recently read a talk by President Uchtdorf entitled Of Regrets and Resolutions. I have heard/read this talk many times, I can truly say that it has inspired me and helped me to become a better person each time I have read it.

A simple story is told of a nurse who asks individuals, who are close to passing into the next life, "Do you have any regrets.?"

The most common answers were as follows:

  1. Perhaps the most universal regret dying patients expressed was that they wished they had spent more time with the people they love.
  2. I wish I had lived up to my potential... We certainly cannot do this with a dragging-our-feet, staring-at-our-watch, complaining-as-we-go approach to discipleship.
  3. I wish I had let myself be happier.

To avoid some of the deepest regrets of life, it would be wise to make some resolutions today. Therefore, let us:
    Resolve to spend more time with those we love.
    Resolve to strive more earnestly to become the person God wants us to be.
    Resolve to find happiness, regardless of our circumstances.
Earnest and sincere prayer can be a powerful guiding tool to help us know what we need to do in this life in order to become like the Savior. I know that if we resolve to live the best that we can with an eye to the future we will be able to eliminate some, and hopefully all, of the regrets we otherwise would have. 

I have come to know for myself that we are in charge of determining our own happiness. Through the choices we make, the people we choose to spend time with and especially the attitude we develop towards life will helps us live happy and fulfilling lives.

"How do we do this? By following the example of the Savior, by incorporating His teachings in our daily lives, by truly loving God and our fellowman. "

I want to look back without regrets, and live life to the fullest. I know that through following the Saviors example and teachings that it is possible, I love life and my Savior Jesus Christ.

If you are interested in watching the full talk given by President Uchtdorf it is here: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2012/10/of-regrets-and-resolutions?lang=eng

You can check out my other blog as well at: http://munksentrepreneurshipjourney.blogspot.com/
The goal poster blog is worth checking out, its pretty sweet.