Sunday, January 4, 2015

Captain America

Recently in books I have been reading, lessons taught in church and in thoughts floating around in my head I have been hearing a lot about potential and striving to become better. It seems to be human nature to not be willing to change and become better until we are discontent with who we are. Often times we do not become discontent until we are disgusted with how lazy we are, and when we realize how little we are actually accomplishing. Then we typically take little steps to get back into the 'content' range and start the process all over again.

I love the phrase 'good is the enemy to great.' When we become satisfied and settle for less we are robbing ourselves of time, potential growth, and many other things. When we take baby steps towards our goals I feel like we are hindering our performance.

Steve Rogers is a great example of someone who gave his all in times of weakness and in times of strength. I am sure we have all seen the movie when he is trying to get into the army to fight for his country. He failed physicals and was not allowed to go, but he kept trying. The effort he put into his goal was not hindered by his lack of strength or ability.

Rogers was used to test an experimental serum that gave him great strength, physically and mentally. He was able to accomplish great things, mainly because of the effort he put in beforehand. He used his strength and abilities to compliment his integrity and effort in doing what he felt to be right.

Chances our we will not be given an experimental drug that will make us reach the peak of human strength and intelligence. As we put in effort and time our abilities will increase, we cannot wait until we are good at something to start working. We cannot reach our full potential either if we are riding on the excuse that we need to take baby steps in order to stick with it. If we truly want to be great at something (or many things) we need to put in the effort consistently and our ability will grow.

Some of us our in the frail wimpy part of our Steve Rogers experience, some are skilled and are in the Captain America part of life. No matter where we are at, lets strive to put in 100% effort and be great!