Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Munk Family Update!

Well hi friends! Briana and I have had an eventful year so far. No one is pregnant, so if that's all you wanted to know than you don't have to be bored with the rest. We didn't really send the traditional Christmas family update, so why not now?


Briana will be starting the Early Childhood Education Program at UVU in the Fall. She has been nannying over the Summer for 3 different families. She is awesome with kids and will be a great mom/teacher. 

I got accepted into the Information Systems program at BYU and will also be starting that in the Fall. I have been meeting with people at Microsoft and Amazon looking for internships, hoping to be in Seattle next Summer, or Virginia to be close to family. Briana's work has led to some connections with potential employers. She has been keeping her eyes open and helping a lot!

We are heading back to Utah on the 21st this month!


We have been dealing with some health issues this year. I was diagnosed with Celiac, an almost completely dead thyroid, yeast infection and some oral issues that stemmed from a root canal done wrong a few years ago in the Philippines.

Briana has completely changed her diet to match my restrictions and has gone above and beyond to help me adjust. She is amazing!

I have made some big strides in regaining my health, I am still 140 pounds but have a lot more energy. I was able to have surgery on August 11th to remove one of my molars and have 5 inch long pretty deep incisions and lots of stitches. Even with my mouth cut up it feels better than before. And I have been able to get off the prescription pain meds after about 12 hours.

We have been able to maintain a gluten free diet for 6 months so far, and sugar free for 4 months. Gluten is going to be forever, hopefully sugar will only be a couple more months.


Briana has been nannying this Summer as I mentioned above. She seems to land a lot of jobs taking care of twins. She is always appreciated by the parents of the kids she watches, and is making a positive impact where ever she works. 

I have been washing windows this Summer, enjoying some physical labor before I am stuck behind a desk. I really love my job, have an excellent boss and co-workers. I got commissioned to make the company website and social media pages while I am recovering this week. 


Still no word here, but they are going to be too cute to handle. Briana has good genes, hopefully more of her's will get passed on.