Sunday, October 6, 2013

Success Through Kindness

Success through Kindness

The blessings and benefits you receive from showing simple acts of love and kindness have been running through my mind for the past few weeks. We all have many opportunities through our different connections in work, school, with family and friends, as well as with new acquaintances, to show our true character and selflessness.

None of this will be mind blowing, but I challenge everyone who reads this to evaluate your lives and think of certain people that you can show more love and kindness too. Or if you feel it will be more beneficial you can focus on a certain place; such as work, where you can strive to treat your co-workers better as a whole.

I, of course, like the rest of us is far from perfect in this aspect of my life. Honestly I feel the experience I gain with regards to kindness can be more attributed to the people around me. Maybe it is just my inherent cuteness, or quiet nature, but basically everyone seems to be kind to me. I believe that everyone has had similar experience, it feels good to be on the receiving end of kindness, and it feels equally as awesome to be on the giving end.

When you have a younger sibling that messes with your stuff, a co-worker that makes a mistake or might possibly be incompetent at their job, or when you make an unrighteous judgement of someone you do or do not know well think about what everyone has to gain if you decide to be kind rather than to be mean, rude or or overbearing.

It doesn't cost a penny to be polite, and there are a lot more ways to be kind and good than to be bad. We just need to make the effort. It brings to mind something my dad taught me, "no one cares how much you know until they know how much you care."

We can all have more success in our friendships, we can all have a stronger influence with our correction and instruction, and just overall have better lives as we seek to be kind.

Anyways, that is my little thought for the moment. :)

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