Sunday, December 14, 2014

Ask God, and Google.

The generation that we live in is different than any other time in history, information is not scarce. In fact knowledge about various subjects can be only one 'search' away. Having such easy access to information is a powerful blessing, it can also help create laziness and reliance. Despite the easiness of access to limitless amounts of information I tend to put more trust in teachers, textbooks and other sources. 

Just yesterday I saw a meme that said "Ask God, not Google." It made me think pretty hard about the things I have been able to learn just sitting here at my desk. I have searched through scholarly journals, magazines, books, blogs, essays and countless numbers of written materials, videos, audio books and probably spent too much time reading about different sports teams and watching funny videos. 

I have been told, by some, to rely on knowledge that I can gain from books, experience, taste, touch and smell. These teachings have concrete evidence and can be tried and tested to better understand if they are true. I have enjoyed learning throughout my life, from understanding simple war strategies used by American minute-men in the Revolutionary War to the valuation of companies through determining their Net Present Value based on forecasted future cash flows. There is more out there to be learned than we can in a lifetime, but so much of it is fun and interesting. 

'Searching' for answers to different questions we have is a valuable tool, if used correctly it can be a very quick and effective way to gain knowledge on particular subjects. 

On the other side I have taken open-note quizzes where the answers can be Googled and plugged in within seconds. It requires next to no thought and little effort to receive 100%. It is a situation where the professor has allowed outside sources to be used, but it does not reflect true understanding of the subjects that are supposed to be learned. 

I have heard many people also teach to put your trust in God and rely on Him for answers that you are seeking. I have been guided and directed in my life through studying the life of Jesus Christ and through prayer as I make important decisions. 

I truly believe that God answers prayers and wants the best for each of His children. I do believe that He makes His answers known in many different ways. And it is not always a good comforting feeling. 

One such example from my life happened just over a year ago. I had been taught my whole life to pray over big decisions and trust in the Lord to help me make the right ones. When I was dating young miss Briana Hales I felt like it would be good for me to pray and ask God if she was the right girl for me to marry. I kind of liked her a little bit and was hoping the answer would be a straight forward "Yes!" I prayed multiple times before I fully understood the answer. It took me a little while to process that it did not matter at all who I married; but it mattered the kind of person I married and the kind of person I was willing to be for her. (She succeeds at being awesome more than I do, but I try.)

If you Google the phrase 'Who should I marry?' you will find a whole bunch of lists describing qualities that are important when deciding who to marry, similar long term goals, liking the other person's family, not having to look nice for each other all the time and many other things. 

Luckily for me Briana was the kind of person who I should marry, she exhibits qualities that compliment my weaknesses, she is kind and is the best person I know. (And she is a total babe.)  Even before I meet her I had thought of many qualities to look for in a potential partner, but those rational thoughts can easily fly out the window when you are dating someone new. Fully understanding what I wanted through trusting God and learning from various sources helped me make the best decision of my life.

Not all the decisions we make will be quite as important as who we choose to marry (or who not to marry, but that is a whole different blog), but many decisions that we make can and should be influenced by our knowledge of the different options available and by the influence of a loving Heavenly Father. 

The information available is a blessing, immerse yourself in it. God can only work with what is there, if you do not know jack squat and expect a profound answer you probably will not get it. If you take the time to learn and educate yourself and ask God what you should do, you will receive powerful answers and confirmation. The information is there, learn it! God is there, ask Him for help.

Ask God, and Google.

or Bing.

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