Thursday, February 26, 2015

Celiac Disease

This has been a fun week, I had some blood work done about 3 weeks ago and got to see the test results on Tuesday. As my wife and I were driving up to the doctor's office I had one thing running through my mind, "Well, the worst it could be is Celiac Disease." I was praying for a parasite or yeast infection, those would have been fairly quick fixes.

The nurse came in and asked me what news I wanted to here first, at that point it was pretty apparent that the test results pointed towards something fun.

I get to join my siblings avoiding gluten and dairy like the plague. I am really looking forward to getting back to good health and taking the necessary steps, as hard as they will be. Working at a pizza place (even though it is the best worst place to work) has been pretty rough, and I didn't know it was contributing to my health problems. Along with the 12" pizzas I would bring home, so good.

I am lucky to have an amazing sister to help me along the way, and an awesome brother on a mission who will be back soon that have been a real support, they are a lot more patient then I am. And parents that are always there to offer love and support. I was a little bit selfish thinking that it could never happen to me.

We will be putting together some recipes and different lifestyle changes here for those who are effected by Celiac, or gluten intolerance. Hopefully it will be something helpful.

On a side note, when I got home I researched a little bit more about gluten-free diets and products and came across this chart and man oh man it rubbed me the wrong way. There are so many positive aspects to having gluten in your diet, limiting yourself to gluten-free food cuts out so many healthy options and the biggest reason for cutting out gluten was for a reason other than intolerance or sensitivity! Are you kidding me!? If someone would have approached me and said they were going off of gluten for that reason I would have ripped out their intestines! (I have calmed down since then, it has been a rough week probably would still call them an idiot (no offense intended towards anyone) ). That is some serious double parentheses action going on.

Statistic: Consumers' reasons for eating gluten-free products in the United States in 2013 | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

Anywho, I hope we can provide something useful in the future on here maybe some good recipes we come across or something.. We will keep you posted. I promise I won't pull out any intestines, no not one.

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